About Mercer Super

Important contact details and how to access the employer portal.

We have gathered together the resources you need as an employer who pay contributions for employees in Mercer Super Trust.

View forms and documents on our page here.

We have also included important contact details below if you have any questions, along with links to enable you to pay super contributions for your employees.

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  • Contact details

    You can contact us at:

    The Fund Administrator
    Mercer Super Trust
    GPO Box 4303

    Phone: 1800 682 525

  • Mercer Employer Portal

    Mercer Employer Portal is a SuperStream compliant clearing house solution that allows you to make just one payment for all employees no matter what super fund they belong to.



    Benefits include:

    • Simple clearing house solution making it ideal for employers of all sizes
    • Pay for default and choice contributions
    • Data can be submitted via payroll upload or on screen
    • Pay for contributions via direct credit (EFT)
    • It is free to use.


    Access information

    To access Mercer Employer Portal click here.


    If you are a new employer

    Register for Mercer Employer Portal here.

  • Employer Portal support

    If you have any Mercer Employer Portal questions or issues, please contact Employer Support at:

  • QuickSuper information and contacts

    If you are an employer using QuickSuper

    • To access QuickSuper click here.


    Contact details

    QuickSuper support contact details