Allocated pension vs age pension – what you need to know

Understanding the difference between the age pension and an allocated pension is crucial when planning for retirement.

What is an allocated pension?

For people seeking a secure income in retirement, an allocated pension may be an appropriate option. Also known as an account-based pension, it’s like receiving a regular wage from your superannuation account when you retire or reach your preservation age, which is between 55 and 60 depending on when you were born.

Your preservation age

Date of birth

Preservation age

Before 1 July 1963

Already Reached

1 July 1963 - 30 June 1964


1 July 1964 and onwards


Minimum withdrawal amounts

Each year you’ll need to draw down a minimum amount of the account balance. The table below outlines those percentages based on a person’s age.


Yearly minimum withdrawal




Under 65



65 to 74



75 to 79



80 to 84



85 to 89



90 to 94






The difference between allocated pensions and age pensions

It’s important not to confuse an allocated pension with an age pension. They are different types of retirement income.

An allocated pension is managed through your super fund, whereas the age pension is a government benefit paid to eligible Australians to help them in retirement. To receive the age pension, you must be at least 66 years and 6 months old depending on when you were born. Generally, you must have been an Australian resident for at least 10 years in total. 

Income and asset tests apply for the age pension. If your income, combined with the value of assets such as investment properties, are above certain limits, you may not be eligible for it. Likewise, how much you can be paid depends on the value of your assets and if you’re in a relationship.

An allocated pension and an age pension can work in tandem for retirees. For example, when you transfer super into an allocated pension, you can use it to top up any age pension payments you get. It’s important to know, however, that the balance of your allocated pension counts toward the age pension asset test, while any estimated income from the allocated pension is factored into the income test.

The pros and cons of an allocated pension

Allocated pensions are popular, accounting for almost four out of five pensions, according to the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority.

The key advantages of an allocated pension include:

Tax benefits – you are not taxed on investment earnings within your fund, and from the age of 60 you don’t pay tax on pension payments you receive. For those aged 58 and 59, the taxable portion of your allocated pension will be taxed at your marginal tax rate, less a 15% tax offset.

Flexible payments – you can decide how often you want to receive your pension payments – either monthly, quarterly or annually.

Investment growth – the balance of your allocated pension fund continues to be invested and is designed to keep earning interest and, like a super account, you can select your investment options.

Estate planning – if there is money left in your allocated pension when you die, it can be left for your beneficiaries.


Some of the potential disadvantages with an allocated pension include:

Age pension impact – as mentioned, the balance of your allocated pension is an assessable asset, so it may affect your eligibility for the government benefit. Centrelink conducts an assessment of your finances, which determines if you can get the age pension, and how much. Allocated pensions are generally subject to deeming rules for income test purposes, which means they are treated the same way as financial assets such as cash, shares and managed funds. Under these rules, all financial investments are assumed to earn a certain rate of income, regardless of how much income is actually generated.

Longevity risk – as allocated pensions depend on the amount you have saved in your super account, they do not guarantee an income for life. 

Restrictions may apply – if you’re converting your super into an allocated pension, you’re restricted to transferring up to a maximum of $1.7 million. If your super balance is higher than that figure, the excess must be left in the accumulation phase of your super account, where earnings will be taxed at the concessional rate of 15%, or taken out of super completely.

Working out any potential financial and tax scenarios related to allocated pensions and age pensions can be complicated, so we recommend you discuss your personal situation with a financial adviser before setting up an allocated pension fund.


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