Annual Reports

Please find our Annual Reports for the past two years below.

Each year we publish a Mercer Super Trust Annual Report which contains important information about our fund, any changes that we’ve made, our investment options and performance plus much more.

The Mercer Super Trust Annual Report now consists of up to three parts:

Part one: The Mercer Super Trust 2021 Annual Report

Contains a general update on the Mercer Super Trust and tells you about the changes that have been made to the Mercer Super Trust during the year to 30 June 2021.

Part two: The Investment Options Details booklet

Contains information about the different investment options available in the:

  •  Corporate Superannuation Division (CSD) 
  •  Allocated Pension Division (APD)

It also includes information on investment performance, asset allocation and Indirect Cost Rations for these investment options for the year ending 30 June 2021.

Part three: Supplementary Annual Report

Is supplied to members where there is additional information specific to their plan which is required to be reported for the year ended 30 June 2021.

All parts should be read in conjunction and kept together for future reference.

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