Mercer Super Trust’s investment options

Super is money put aside to help you after you have finished working. It is invested in a diversified range of assets that grow over time.

By having your money with Mercer Super, it will be managed by a global team of over 1,300 investment experts who seek out the best investment opportunities in Australia and around the world. They monitor investment markets on a daily basis and adjust investment strategies where necessary, continuously working behind the scenes to help your super grow and protect it where necessary. 

These skilled investment managers look after your super with a continuous focus on managing risks, while proactively looking for opportunities within the changing landscape, to help deliver strong investment returns - ensuring that your money is given the best opportunity to grow. 

The investment returns that help build your balance over the long-term will play a significant role in how much money you have once you reach retirement age. 

Understanding super investment options 101

We offer investment options that are made up of underlying assets across a range of asset classes including (but not limited to):

Australian and International Shares

Real Assets

Alternative Assets


Fixed Interest

Defensive Fixed Interest


The mixture of underlying assets within an investment option will dictate the level of risk, and potential returns associated with them. 

High risk (or growth) investments (such as international or Australian shares) have a high potential for returns. Younger people, who have the time to weather any market fluctuations, may want to place their money in mainly growth-based assets, considering they have a longer investment time frame.

Conservative (or defensive) investments (such as fixed-interest or cash) have a lower level of risk and lower potential returns. In general, members nearing retirement may look to invest more within these types of options. Because their super will be more mature, the aim is often less about seeing significant growth, but more about protecting the existing balance against negative returns.

There are also many investments that sit between high risk, high reward and low risk, low reward investment options.

We aim to cater to the needs of all members, offering a diverse range of investment options – giving you the choice of investing your funds in one investment option, or diversifying your funds across multiple options – each with different underlying assets, levels of risk and return potential.

The Mercer Super Trust investment options

At Mercer we understand that everyone is different, and that with investment options, one size doesn't fit all.  We are proud to offer over 20 investment options for those members invested in our super product who are building their balance in preparation for retirement. 

We also offer a number of investment options for those members who are ready to retire and draw an income using our allocated pension product.

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  • Mercer SmartPath® - default option

    Mercer SmartPath® is generally our default investment option. Designed for those who'd prefer to 'set and forget' their investment strategy.

    When you join the Mercer Super Trust you will generally be automatically placed into our investment default investment option, Mercer SmartPath®, unless you tell us otherwise. 

    Mercer SmartPath® is an award-winning investment option that has been designed to automatically adjust the level of risk as you get closer to retirement age.

    For example, younger Mercer Super Trust members invested in Mercer SmartPath® will have a higher allocation of growth assets, compared to an older member whose allocation will gradually lean towards a more defensive asset allocation.

  • Ready-made investment options

    For our members who’d like to take more of a hands-on approach to their super, but still leave the complex decisions to the experts we offer our 'ready-made' investment options. 

    Like SmartPath, these options combine a mix of asset classes and management styles to deliver on a clear objective.

  • 'Select-Your-Own' investment options

    For our members who want more control over their super, they have the choice to invest in a number of our 'select-your-own' investment options. 

    Firstly, we offer a number of investment options, each of which provide you with access to a blend of investments within a single asset class such as Australia shares, International shares, Real Assets, Fixed Interest and Cash.

    In addition to this, we also offer a number of Sustainable Plus investment options. These are investment options that have a higher proportion of sustainability-themed assets and exclude companies involved in alcohol production, carbon intensive fossil fuels, gambling and pornography. The list of exclusions will vary for each option, The Sustainable Plus options use a multi-manager investment approach, with different investment managers selected to implement investment strategies in each asset class.

    Finally, we also offer both passive and passive enhanced options which are lower cost, but aim to perform in line with the markets in which they invest. Enhanced passive options may also have some exposure to active management.

  • Mercer Direct (if available in your plan)

    For our members who want complete control over where their super is invested we offer 'Mercer Direct' - allowing you direct access to ASX 300 shares, term deposits and exchange traded funds. 

Choosing the best option for you

Choosing the right investment option, the right mix of investment options or deciding to change your super investment option is an individual choice that should take into account your personal circumstances and financial goals. Some things you may want to consider when picking investment options are;

Your age

The level of risk versus potential return that you're comfortable with

How long before you'll want to access your funds

If you are considering making changes to your investment options, we recommend that you speak with a licensed financial adviser who can take your personal circumstances and financial goals into consideration. 


This document has been prepared and sent on behalf of Mercer Superannuation (Australia) Limited (‘Mercer Super’), ABN 79 004 717 533, Australian Financial Services Licence #235906, the trustee of the Mercer Super Trust ABN 19 905 422 981. Any advice contained in this document is of a general nature only, and does not take into account the personal needs and circumstances of any particular individual. Prior to acting on any information contained in this document, you need to take into account your own financial circumstances. Please consider the Product Disclosure Statement, Product Guide, Insurance Guide, and Financial Services Guide before making a decision about the product, or seek professional advice from a licensed, or appropriately authorised financial adviser if you are unsure of what action to take. 'MERCER' is a registered trademark of Mercer (Australia) Pty Ltd ABN 32 005 315 917. Copyright 2022 Mercer LLC. All rights reserved.