Sustainable investing

You want the best possible retirement outcome for yourself, but you don’t want it to cost the Earth. We want that too.

As a Mercer Super member you can rest assured your money is invested sustainably, working to create a world you want to live in.

We invest your super responsibly by applying Environmental, Social and Governance principles to each investment decision we make.  This “ESG” analysis might include environmental factors like a company’s energy consumption and any plans it has to increase reliance on renewable forms of energy, social concerns like child labour and workplace safety and governance issues such as a company’s commitment to transparency and shareholder rights.

We do this, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because we believe companies that take ESG issues seriously are more likely to enjoy strong, sustainable financial returns over time. 

We apply these principles to every investment decision we make

An icon of two trees


An icon of two people


An icon of two buildings


We invest your super responsibly by:

applying ESG factors together with financial metrics to investment decisions

advocating for and investing in solutions to the world’s sustainability challenges

engaging directly with the companies we invest in on your behalf

excluding companies involved in the manufacture of tobacco or controversial weapons

monitoring your investments to ensure they’re meeting responsible investing and financial performance targets


Take it to the next level with our Sustainable Plus options

You may want to invest according to an even wider set of ethical criteria.

In that case, there are seven Sustainable Plus investment options you can choose from.

These options have a higher proportion of sustainability-themed assets and exclude companies involved in alcohol production, carbon intensive fossil fuels, gambling and pornography. The list of exclusions varies for each investment option.